

Children Can Go a Long Way with Good Manners


Good manners play an important role in maintaining civility and harmony in every society. When people, including children, practice proper decorum, they can function smoothly both outside and within their homes.

However, good manners do not always come naturally in children. Responsible adults, like parents and teachers, will have to teach them in terms of how they behave and express themselves.

At home, mealtime can be a perfect time to work on a child’s manners. For instance, a parent can set a rule that there should be no phones or gadgets present while eating. When asking to pass a dish, saying please and thank you must be encouraged.

When a child is ready to start school, a parent should remind them to treat others with respect during and after school. For example, when they need to ask someone to move so that they can walk past them, they may say excuse me. Or if they accidentally bump someone or make a mistake, they may apologize for it.

It may take a while for some children to master the art of good manners. It is important to remember that these changes don’t happen overnight. When correcting their mistakes, a parent needs to be gentle with them and model good behavior as well.

Choosing to enroll your child in our Chinese School in Bayside, New York can not only help them with their international studies. Our employed teachers can also educate them about good manners while they are in class or during their summer camp in Bayside, New York.

To learn more about our summer school programs, please contact Asian American Coalition For Education.

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