

Learning Languages: Understanding Your Child’s Struggles

It comes as no surprise that learning a language, whatever language it may be, comes with a challenge. Whether an individual tries to learn a language at an early age or even later in life, these struggles are inevitable. And while children mainly learn and practice a different language from their teachers and tutors, parents also play a huge role in their learning process. Understanding your child’s struggles in learning a language will help you aid them properly in their journey.

With our daily encounters with our learners in our After School Programs in Bayside, New York, and our other programs, we can see that most of them struggle in similar areas.

  • Shifting from Writing to Speaking

    Learning a language requires the brain to construct new cognitive frameworks. This is even harder for learners when they encounter complex grammatical patterns that change when writing and speaking. Tonal languages like Chinese, Thai, and Cherokee make it harder for students to learn a language. As a Chinese School in Bayside, New York, we constantly immerse our learners in the language since they learn to overcome inhibitions when speaking or writing.

  • Language Interference
    Linguists coined this term to describe the confusion between languages where one language’s vocabulary or sentence structure makes sense in some languages but not in your child’s. These inferences make it harder for your child to discern how to put their thoughts into words. If your child is one to over-analyze their sentences even during tutoring sessions, these interferences might hinder them from learning and progressing.
  • Lack of Effective Study Habits
    Study habits are essential in ensuring your child’s progress. When they take After School intensive language courses or language classes in a Summer camp in Bayside, New York but have no motivation or game plan in learning the language, it will be impossible for them to learn.

Asian American Coalition For Education” is helping young learners acquire quality education so they shine no matter where they are. We have an amazing curriculum and offer Summer School Programs for all our learners. Check out our website for more.

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