Even in their early childhood, your kids may feel your comparison with other children, especially when you keep mentioning them. Being compared to anyone hurts, and among all people, you should know that first.
Also, do not compare your experiences and achievements with your children’s. Learning in your era may be less complicated than now. And if you found it easy learning things before, then good for you. But you should not apply the same method as you did because of the many changes in the education system and policies in a Chinese School in Bayside, New York, as time went by.
Instead of comparing, encourage your child to study more. Incorporate play and enjoyable activities where they can learn without them knowing it. Show your appreciation and pride even in the tiniest effort. And find time to ask them where they are having difficulties – opt for tutoring if you must.
Let them join a Summer camp in Bayside, New York, as much as possible. There they can build more self-esteem and be able to unleash their hidden potential.
And if you are looking for After School activities to boost your kids’ interests in excellence, there is nowhere else to go. The Asian American Coalition For Education offers them to help your children develop their character and keep their engagement with their school platforms.
For incomparable After School Programs in Bayside, New York, start enrolling them now! Be surprised by what your kids can do.